Innosan GmbH
German company for innovative medical and health products
The high standard of innovation of Innosan GmbH motivates the organization to be present at important expert conferences for ENT doctors and paediatric and travel medicine and to maintain an exchange with experts. This also attracts the attention of the media: SANOHRA fly was introduced in 2010 in MDR in the TV-show "Einfach Genial” (Simply ingenious).
The most recent improvement in the field of noise protection was launched in 2014: SANOHRA noise ear plugs reduce the impact of loud music across all audible frequencies equally enhancing the enjoyment of the music. This was only possible till now with expensive plugs or ear molds. Now, extremely frequency faithful hearing protection for party people is available at a low price
Innosan GmbH is in cooperation with Dreve Otoplastik GmbH, Unna since 2014. Dreve Otoplastik GmbH is a world leader in ear molds. Both companies profit equally from the synergy of their cooperation.
Development, manufacturing, and sale of innovative products for ear and hearing protection is the core business of Innosan GmbH founded in 2008. The company has its headquarters in the town of Schwetzingen famous for its asparagus and located conveniently between Heidelberg and Mannheim. The company is serious about quality and exclusively certified materials manufactured in Germany are used for the products.
The first and the most successful product that Innosan launched in 2008 is the SANOHRA fly, a special ear plugs that protect against ear pain while flying mainly during take-off and landing. SANOHRA fly ensures that the rate of increase in pressure in front of the ear drum is slowed down thus preventing ear pain and ears hurting.
Products of Innosan GmbH are long being sold not just in the German-speaking countries of Europe but also in almost all other European countries and beyond.